I had perhaps the least impressive introduction to Godard you can have: having read a piece on a now-long-gone site where an ordinary internet user just reviewed the movies he’d seen, I taped Éloge de l’Amour off BBC 2; possessing some vague understanding that the film reflected on the director’s own previous style, which I knew nothing of, I was baffled by the gnomic and unexposited dialogue scenes, the jerky sound editing and the grating colours of the second half.
The last picture show
The last picture show
The last picture show
I had perhaps the least impressive introduction to Godard you can have: having read a piece on a now-long-gone site where an ordinary internet user just reviewed the movies he’d seen, I taped Éloge de l’Amour off BBC 2; possessing some vague understanding that the film reflected on the director’s own previous style, which I knew nothing of, I was baffled by the gnomic and unexposited dialogue scenes, the jerky sound editing and the grating colours of the second half.